Aims & Scope

JCR is an international peer-reviewed journal published electronically in December and June, free of charge, open to access, in accordance with the principles of blinded refereeing. The publication language of the journal is English. Authors may request that their publications be published in their own language as an extended summary, in addition to their English full texts.

JCR is a journal of vocational guidance, career guidance, career planning, and development, career counseling, career management, life-long career studies, as well as theoretical and applied academic studies related to current issues related to human resources and original, qualitative, quantitative, mixed studies of different career-related disciplines. It includes publications based on method, meta-analyses, systematic reviews and systematic reviews. Studies that do not comply with this scope will not be included in the evaluation process.

All published articles are assigned a DOI as a permanent article identifier. JCR supports the Open Citations I4OC initiative by providing the bibliography of the articles as open access. So everyone can access our publications immediately for free.