Writing Rules

***After the article is uploaded to the system, it will be checked from the plagiarism scanning program by the editor and if the similarity rate is below 15%, the refereeing process will be started. Otherwise, it will be returned to the author.


1-Publication language is English. If the author wishes, he/she can publish an extensive summary in his/her mother tongue besides the full text in English.

2. APA (http://www.apastyle.org/)  style should be used in the bibliography of the works benefited from

3. For citations to be made from the Internet, the guide published by Harvard University can be used http://www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Selfstudy/Harvard.pdf

Authors can be given page, size, line spacing, paragraph, citation, reference, etc. Files that can help with technical issues, studies that are not prepared in accordance with the article template on the page of our journal, and studies that have missing files will not be included in the refereeing process.