Views on Career Awareness: The Example of Primary School Parents

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  • Aleyna Karaağaç 905444701900



Career Awareness, Career Develoment, Primary School Age, Parent


The aim of this study is to describe the views of parents of primary school students about career awareness. For this purpose, phenomenological approach, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Data were collected from a total of 15 parents, 10 female and 5 male, by interview method. 5 interview questions were created as a result of the literature review on the subject in order to summarize the views on career awareness. Content analysis method was used in the process of analyzing the data collected through the interview form filled in face-to-face interviews. The answers received as a result of the analyzes were categorized under the themes of "Career Development", "Positive Contributions to Career Development", "Interests", "Decision Making Skills", "Career Decision" in the results section. As a result, although the parents who constitute the sample are sensitive about their children's interests and abilities, it was observed that their awareness level about the career, which is one of the basic assumptions of the developmental career theory, is a lifelong process. The results of the research were discussed within the framework of the literature and suggestions were presented regarding the results.


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How to Cite

Karaağaç, A. (2022). Views on Career Awareness: The Example of Primary School Parents. Journal of Career Review, 1(1), 34–44.