High School Student's Code of Career Choices

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  • Ahmet Bal Nurcan Akpınar ilkokulu




Keywords: Career planning, ways of coping, purposive sampling


The aim of this study is to determine the students' views on coping ways in choosing a career, according to the opinions of high school students. In this study, qualitative research technique was used. Purposive sampling method was used for the research. 11th and 12th grade high school students participated in the research. The study group of the research consists of 20 high school students. Of these students, 13 (65%) are female and 7 (35%) are male. As a student, the years of education vary between 11-12 years. Semi-structured interview technique was used as the data collection method in collecting the research data. The data obtained at the end of the interview were analyzed with the content analysis technique. While interpreting the data, themes were identified and categories related to each theme were created.

In the results obtained from the content analysis of the data obtained from the semi-structured interview form applied in the research, six themes were identified related to career planning, goal setting, obstacles in goals, individual tasks in overcoming obstacles, the duties of the family in overcoming obstacles and the duties of the teacher in overcoming obstacles. Categories related to these themes were created.


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How to Cite

Bal, A. (2023). High School Student’s Code of Career Choices. Journal of Career Review, 2(1), 34–42. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10435622