The Reasons For Leaving School of Foreign Pre-School Students on The Career Path

Education, Foreign students, School absenteeism, School dropoutAbstract
Purpose: This research; The study was carried out to determine the reasons for absenteeism and dropouts of foreign students in the pre-school education period and to develop suggestions for all stakeholders responsible for the student's school attendance in order to solve this problem.
Material and Method: Interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used as the data collection technique in the research. As a data collection tool in the research, a semi-structured interview form compiled from the research questions used in previous similar studies was used. In the research; By using homogeneous sampling method, 5 school administrators, 5 school counselors, 10 preschool teachers, 25 parents of students who have absenteeism and dropped out of school were interviewed, working in schools in regions where foreign students are concentrated in Meram district of Konya. The data obtained within the scope of the research were analyzed by content analysis technique.
Findings: Within the scope of the research, it was determined that there were students who were absent from school and dropped out in all of the pre-school classes. All of the school administrators and preschool teachers who participated in the research stated that they were uncomfortable with the situation of students who were absent from school and dropped out, but they could not be insistent due to various social, economic and psychological problems experienced by foreign families and could not do anything but report the situation to the provincial and national education directorates. Similarly, it has been determined that although the families of foreign nationals are not satisfied with the situation, they face many problems, especially economic and social problems, and that they cannot give enough importance and support to the education of their children, especially in the pre-school period.
Conclusion: It has been observed that there are significant absenteeism and drop-out problems in the pre-school period in schools with foreign students, and they cannot benefit from pre-school education at a sufficient level due to many reasons, especially economic, social and cultural reasons. Since it is understood that families will not be able to give due importance to the education and continuation of preschool children unless these problems are resolved, the necessary authorities should go to the solution of these basic problems and remove the obstacles to the attendance of preschool children to school
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